
Frequently asked questions

Find answers to general configuration, billing and security questions

Our FAQs provides answers to commonly asked questions, if there is anything else you need to know use the online chat feature or send us an email via our contact form

Can you delete a project on the QuickCodes console?

Yes, you can. When viewing all projects on your dashboard, select the setting button on the top right of the project card. An options bar will be revealed on the right of the screen giving you options to modify your project information as well as deleting the project. CAUTION: once deleted you will not be able to access the project or configure any QR Codes used within the project. The subscription will be cancelled, and any project tools rendered inactive.

How do I delete my account?

You can delete your account via your profile. Using the icon in the top right select profile, then within profile select preferences and then delete. CAUTION: once deleted you will not be able to access the console or configure QR Codes.

How can I keep track of my usage?

You can track your usage through the QuickCodes console. Just login to your account, select your project and you will be taken to your project’s dashboard. Your real-time usage is displayed on the top right of the dashboard next to your plan. You can also use the reporting section to get a more in-depth view of what codes and services are receiving higher use and the most popular content in your project.

Is there a way for me to test QuickCodes without registering an account?

No, you must register with QuickCodes first before using the tool. We do offer a free tier for low usage, so you can test out QuickCodes at no cost.

Do I have to set up different billing accounts for each project?

Yes, if you set up different projects on the QuickCodes console. Each project will have a separate plan so you can track and bill each project independently.

What services are available under the free usage tier?

QuickCodes offers 100 scans on the free tier. The QuickCodes Pricing page contains detailed information on the free usage limits.

Can I get a refund?

Yes, we will refund your current billing cycle on request.

Can I change my plan?

Yes, there is an option to change your plan on the QuickCodes dashboard/console. You can also cancel your plan at any stage without any penalty and just pay for your current usage or tier.

How much does QuickCodes cost?

QuickCodes is free for 100 code scans or less per month. Pricing changes depending on the usage of the tool. Please see the QuickCodes pricing page for more information on pricing.